Kemiwatt’s Aqueous Organic RedOx Flow Battery (AORFB) Kemiwatt, a French company founded in 2014, is developing its technology of Aqueous Organic RedOx Flow battery (AORFB). January 20, 2022
Toshiba batteries main features and optimization (Part III of III) Click here if you missed the previous parts of this article: part I, part II Electrical Safety and December 23, 2021
Toshiba Batteries Main Features and Optimization (Part II of III) Click here if you missed the previous parts of this article: part I Battery Lifetime Data Toshiba’s SCiB™ December 16, 2021
Toshiba Batteries Main Features and Optimization (Part I of III) Introduction to Toshiba’s Energy Storage System Toshiba’s Energy Storage System results from more than 30 years of advanced research and development December 9, 2021
HYBRIS: A Preliminary Analysis of its Economic Competitiveness With the aim to establish the preliminary sustainability, energy storage and materials safety assessment of HYBRIS Hybrid Energy Storage System November 25, 2021
SAVE THE DATE! H2020 Battery Projects Online Clustering Workshop // 17-18 November 2021 On 17-18 November 2021, HYBRIS will be participating on the virtual Clustering Event for H2020 Batteries Projects organized November 16, 2021
UPCOMING EVENT: Clustering Event for H2020 Batteries Projects, 17-18 November 2021 Save the date for the online Clustering Event for H2020 Battery Projects, which will be organized by the EC and will take November 2, 2021
HYBRIS partners met at the project’s first general assembly! The partners of the HYBRIS Consortium met online on July 1st and 2nd 2021. The goal of the July 14, 2021