The partners of the HYBRIS Consortium met online on July 1st and 2nd 2021. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the progress made in the first six months since the beginning of the project, and to coordinate future work.

This was the first gathering of the full consortium after the kick-off meeting that took place on January 2021 to launch our Horizon 2020 project, which focuses on battery-based hybrid storage solutions for smarter, sustainable and more energy-efficient grids and behind-the-meter systems.

The meeting was organised by IDP, the project’s coordinator. It was also a chance for partners to review the first deliverables already drafted and check the interdependencies between the different ongoing work packages. The consortium was also able to discuss the potential issues that could arise before the implementation of the enhanced hybrid storage systems in the three pilot sites located in Italy, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Another important topic raised was how important the working conditions are in each use case, as they will have a strong impact on the state of the batteries to be implemented. The meeting offered very fruitful discussions and ideas exchange.
The next HYBRIS’ internal meeting will be in January 2022.