On Wednesday and Thursday 14th & 15th June, We Held Our 5th General Assembly! The HYBRIS consortium successfully held its 5th General Assembly (GA) on June 14th and 15th, 2023, hosted by IREC June 22, 2023
HYBRIS Use Case Definition and Specifications (Part II of II) Click here if you missed the previous parts of this article: part I After the explanation of the May 24, 2023
HYBRIS Use Case Definition and Specifications (Part I of II) Introduction HYBRIS system, based on the hybridization of Lithium Titanate Oxide battery and Aqueous Organic Flow Battery, constitutes May 17, 2023
HYBRIS team is happy to share the video presentation of the project! As you know, HYBRIS is a 4-year project that aims to optimize hybrid electrical energy storage Systems for April 26, 2023
HYBRIS 4th GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN CHAMBÉRY Last December 14-15, the HYBRIS General Assembly was held in Chambéry, at the Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire January 8, 2023
Know The Italian Demo Site! The Italian Demo Site in Messina (Italy) The urban renewal project of Fondo Saccà (slum neighborhood in Messina) August 11, 2022
How can digital twins accelerate the adoption of next generation battery systems? Introduction | What is a digital twin? How does it work in HIL? The renewable energy transition July 28, 2022
Belgian Demo Site Update! On the premise of the Belgian demo site located at Campus Coppens – Brasschaat near Antwerp, a team July 7, 2022
HYBRIS’ 3rd General Assembly & 1st Workshop in Messina The third General Assembly of the HYBRIS consortium took place in Messina, in Sicily, between June 21st and July 4, 2022