On the premise of the Belgian demo site located at Campus Coppens – Brasschaat near Antwerp, a team of Quares and I.Leco is preparing for the installation of the HYBRIS batteries and looking for integration with the local energy activities.
The preparation works are mainly focussing on the following important elements:
- Which data of the assets and consumers needs to be captured and integrated in the EMS and BMS system?
- On which location on the business area can the battery be installed taking into account the connections that have to be made with the assets and customers.
- What are the safety and technical measures that need to be taken into account?
- How will the batteries physically be connected on site?
To prepare all these important practical parameters that need to be linked to the battery management system, a meeting with the companies present on the pilot site was held in April 2022.
All participating companies showed huge interest in the progress of the works and are evaluating the future added value for their activities.
Companies are mainly focussing on services like peak shaving, self-consumption of the locally produced green energy, arbitrage of the produced and stored energy where it should be possible to purchase energy when the price is low and sell it again when the price is high. Increasing the use of local green energy for additional charging infrastructure and electrical mobility on site.
Pronails having locally production of solar energy and electrical mobility needs and acta as a training center having need for load balancing will be tested in the first stage.
Other companies showed their interest in participating and the project is looking how they can be integrated in a following stage.
Stay tuned for updates!

Written by Mia Van Daele, from Quares