Hybris partners gathered together during the 10th and 11th of July 2024 at Messina in the pilot site premises to advance on the definition of the project direction. During these two days the consortium tackled the HESS system characterisation discussion and also very important the next steps on the Demonstration and Evaluation of the proposed solution. What are the state on HESS implementation in Messina Demo Site. We also listened to the explanation of works carried out, the tests being performed and results from these test. Interesting discussions followed about the actual definition of the problems faced, what were the solutions sought, etc. These information lead to the interesting discussion on the Definition of services and tests to perform during later on.

Previous to the meeting we encounter some difficulties to coordinate the various stages of shipment arrival, unloading and container positioning. The container is already in Messina and it looks pretty good! High temperatures during the summer period are a concern and measures have been put in place to make sure the components are in adequate conditions. We can inform that the electrolytes arrived in Messina on Friday 5th, and on the same day we moved them to a covered and guarded warehouse.
The container was delivered to Messina on Monday 8th, and we positioned it on the plinths and waited for the arrival of other project partners to proceed with the opening and checking inside.

On Tuesday 9th some of the partners proceeded with the inspection, which revealed some problems, which were discussed during the GA days.
There were also talks of further scientific publications on LCA-LCC and SLCA and further on the actual battery components and beahaviuor.
We are looking forward to the coming up tests and to see how the solution matched the predicted performance.