Performance testing hybrid battery controls with HIL The HYBRIS hybrid redox flow (AORFB) and lithium titanate (LTO) battery system uses HIL to test EMS controls November 30, 2023
Hybris at Battery Innovation Days 2023 On the 14th and 15th of November 2023 in Bordeaux, the third edition of the Battery and Innovation November 22, 2023
HYBRIS Implementation and Evaluation Plan for Demo Sites An Implementation and Evaluation Plan for HYBRIS HESS system in all Demo Sites and Use cases has been October 9, 2023
Role of the EMS (Energy Management System) and Communication Structures MPC and EMS in Hybris As we strive for a more sustainable and energy-efficient world, the importance of software in enabling this transition August 8, 2023
Hybris participating in “Energy Conversion and Storage Days” From Hybris project we would like to invite you to the “Energy Conversion and Storage Days”, which will take place in February 16, 2023