On 17-18 November 2021, HYBRIS will be participating on the virtual Clustering Event for H2020 Batteries Projects organized by the EC. If you want to learn more about innovations in batteries and battery systems, both in the energy and in the transport sector, join us!
Here the agenda:
Day 1: Wednesday 17 November 2021
08-45 – 09.00 Connection to the event with Skype for Business:
(Brussels Time CET) https://join.yumprd.tech.ec.europa.eu/meet/georgios.bokas/KKZ84DF0?sl=1
09.00 – 09.15 Welcome and introduction to the workshop aim (CINEA)
09.15 – 10.15 Policy context (European Commission – DG ENER, DG RTD, DG GROW)
10.15 – 10.30 Presentation of cluster activities in 2020-2021 (BAOBAB)
10.30 – 10.45 Final results from BAOBAB
10.45 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 11.40 Project Presentations (TALENT, CoFBAT, HIGREEW, BALIHT, NAIMA)
11.40 – 12.25 Project Presentations (HYBRIS, MELODY, CUBER, SONAR, ASTRABAT, SAFELiMOVE)
12.25 – 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 – 14.15 Project Presentations (SOLiDIFY, LiPLANET, 3beLiEVe, COBRA, MODALIS2, DEFACTO)
14.15 – 15.00 Project Presentations (CompBat, SeNSE, SUBLIME, HYDRA, HyFlow, iSTORMY)
15.00 – 15.15 Break
15.15 – 16.00 Project Presentations (ECO2LIB, SOLSTICE, SIMBA, LOLABAT, SEABAT, Current Direct)
16.00 – 16.40 Project Presentations (MARBEL, ALBATROSS, HELIOS, LIBERTY, HEROES)
16.40 – 16.50 Conclusions of the 1s t day and preview of the 2nd day (CINEA)
Day 2: Thursday 18 November 2021
09.00 – 09.05 Introduction to the 2nd day, connect with Skype for Business:
09.05 – 10.35 Parallel Sessions – Part 1
- Recycling, sustainability and LCA (discussion chair: CUBER/HELIOS)
https://join.yumprd.tech.ec.europa.eu/meet/georgios.bokas/BCJB3QV6?sl=1 - Battery Management Systems (discussion chair: LIBERTY)
https://join.yumprd.tech.ec.europa.eu/meet/georgios.bokas/DJ29GRGN?sl=1 - Battery testing standardization (discussion chair: HYDRA)
https://join.yumprd.tech.ec.europa.eu/meet/georgios.bokas/FYB059H3?sl=1 - Novel chemistries for energy and transport applications (discussion chair:
https://join.yumprd.tech.ec.europa.eu/meet/georgios.bokas/TNGCB6TL?sl=1 - Modelling and design (technology scale-up) (discussion chair: HyFlow)
10.35 – 10.50 Break
10.50 – 12.20 Parallel Sessions – Part 2
Links to online sessions as provided for Part 1 above.
- Recycling, sustainability and LCA (discussion chair: CUBER, HELIOS)
- Battery Management Systems (discussion chair: LIBERTY)
- Battery testing standardization (discussion chair: HYDRA)
- Novel chemistries for energy and transport applications (discussion chair:
SAFELiMOVE) - Modelling and design (technology scale-up) (discussion chair: HyFlow)
12.20 – 13.45 Lunch Break
13.45 – 14.45 Presentation of sessions’ findings to all participants – plenary session
14.45 – 15.00 Summary of identified synergies and opportunities, next steps (CINEA and projects).
15.00 End of the event