D1.1 Requirements and Specifications

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  • Create Date June 7, 2022
  • Last Updated June 7, 2022

D1.1 Requirements and Specifications

The purpose of this deliverable in short is to:

i) Collect requirements and specifications of each single battery technology

ii) Provide details on ICT and interoperability of the technologies investigated

iii) Provide useful information for the battery and HESS design

iv) Present the essential usability notions in order to facilitate the consecution of a system that is easy to use and therefore accepted by prospective users ensuring its adoption by the general population

v) Introduce the general principles of User Centred Design (UCD) that can facilitate the achievement of a product or system that is accepted and utilized by its target users. It helps to understand users' needs and preferences regarding features of a product, task, goals, user flows, etc.

This document is addressed mainly to the partners of the Hybris project, in order to collect useful information for the HESS design. Then, every reader interested in battery technologies can receive a deepening about lithium titanate oxide and organic redox flow batteries.